Ten years ago almost no one had heard the term “KETO” and the mainstream dismissed it as some kind of dietary lunacy that would not end well for its proponents! Yet today “KETO” is the most-Googled diet!
The keto diet’s increasing popularity is due to its manifold potential benefits for blood sugar control, weight loss, and general health but what does it actually entail?
Enjoy our in-depth guide that will give you deep insights into all things keto so you can ‘Live Healthy For Longer’!
Ketogenic diets are extremely low/no carb, high-fat diets. As a result of eating far fewer carbs, the body starts burning fat for energy instead of sugar. The result is a metabolic state known as ketosis. Ketones are small molecules your liver produces from fat, which can be used by your brain and other organs to create energy.
Keto diets are extremely beneficial for those who want to lose weight without being constantly ‘hangry’ (hungry and irritable). Studies have been successful in proving that the keto diet improves metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes and general health.
To learn more about the Keto lifestyle, listen to this podcast from Fabulously Keto:
The Fab Keto team are great friends of ProLongevity and have recorded several podcasts with Graham Phillips our founder a couple of which can be found here: